Collection: Bill Hammond

Bill Hammond, the acclaimed New Zealand painter, is celebrated for his unique artistic style deeply rooted in the country's natural world and birdlife. Born in Christchurch in 1947, he honed his artistic skills at the University of Canterbury School of Fine Arts. However, it was his relocation to the remote Banks Peninsula that profoundly influenced his artistic vision.

Surrounded by the rugged landscapes and abundant birdlife of the region, Hammond found inspiration in New Zealand's unique flora and fauna. His iconic works often feature bird-human hybrids, surreal beings that blur the lines between nature and the supernatural. These enigmatic creations have earned him international recognition.

Throughout his career, Hammond consistently pushed artistic boundaries, experimenting with unconventional materials and techniques, establishing himself as a pioneer in contemporary art.

Bill Hammond's work is held in major art collections worldwide, resonating with its fusion of the familiar and the otherworldly, a reflection of New Zealand's culture and landscape. Hammond remains a cherished and influential figure, leaving a lasting legacy for future generations of artists and art enthusiasts to explore and admire.